Our Collection

Selected line of limited edition Mezcals

The Ancestral Collection is a selected line of limited edition Mezcals. Every production is crafted in micro-batches with ancestral distillation methods original from the state of Durango: Clay & Wood.

Every bottle is a piece of art, as they are hand-painted by local artists with different designs depending on the agave type. This line includes special Mezcals made with rare and unique agave varieties that are found within the Durango borders.



1. Agave Jima


2. Cooking


3. Mill


4. Fermentation


5. Distillation


6. Handpainted Bottles


The collection

  • Masparillo
  • Castilla
  • Cenizo
  • Verde
  • Chacaleño
  • Igok
  • Lamparillo
  • Tepemete

Agave Masparillo

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Masparillo (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring

The first edition of our collection of Mezcal Burrito Fiestero Ancestral is made with Agave Masparillo, found in the lower areas of El Mezquital, Durango. Wild and scarce, this small maguey has very short and wide leaves, with a yellowish-green color. It has a 1.5 to 2 m. diameter and 1 m. height, delivering piñas that weighs 70 kg. on average.


Agave Castilla

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Castilla (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring

Found on the lower areas of El Mezquital, Durango, Wild and scares, this huge maguey has very long and narrow leaves, with a green color. It has a 2 to 3.5m diameter and 1.5 to 2m height, delivering piñas that weigh 120kg in average.


Agave Cenizo

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Cenizo (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring



Agave Verde

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Verde (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring



Agave Chacaleño

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Cachaleño (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring



Agave Igok

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Igok (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring



Agave Lamparillo

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Lamparillo (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring



Agave Tepemete

Alcohol Vol: 50.2%

M.Mezcalero: Juan Conde

Village: Pino Suárez, Durango

Agave: Tepemete (14-16 years old)

Grind: Axe

Still: Clay & Wood (viejo)

Water Source: Natural Spring


The Community


Our collections symbolize the Huichol art and culture from the southern region of Durango, making unique lots painted and decorated by hand. Each collection depicts a Durango Agave with a specific color for each variety, making each bottle a unique piece of art. Each year, there will be a single batch per Agave of our Ancestral Collection, making this an exclusive and selective line of fine mezcals from Northern Mexico.
